Distance From Chandigarh To Amritsar

Chandigarh, the capital of Punjab, is at a distance of 234 km from Amritsar. The route details are given on this page, which are based upon my personal journey by car and train. If one travels by road, the major towns on this route are - Kharar, Ropar, Nawan Shahr, Phagwara, Jalandhar, Beas.
Distance from Chandigarh to Amritsar
From Chandigarh, we travel upto Ropar (Rup Nagar) on National Highway 21 (NH-21). This highway then leads toward Anandpur Sahib, so from Ropar we take a left turn to enter into Ropar city and then take the road towards Nawan Shahr. The road from Ropar to Nawan Shahr enters into the Nawan Shahr city, so you have to deal with some traffic problems within the city. From Nawan Shahr city, we have to go towards the Phagwara side. When we reach Phagwara, the road connects with NH-1 through a bypass from the city area. Here we take a right turn towards Jalandhar side. (If one takes a left turn, the NH-1 go towards Phagwara city, which further leads to Ludhiana). When the Jalandhar city just starts, you have to take a right turn from the traffic lights at PAP (Punjab Armed Police) chowk (If you go straight from PAP chowk, you will enter into Jalandhar city). Now the NH-1 will enter straight into Amritsar city, the city known world over for Shri Harmandir Sahib (Golden Temple), via Kartarpur and Beas towns. The railway route is discussed in the next section.
Town Distance from Chandigarh Distance from Amritsar
Chandigarh 0 KM 234 KM
Kharar 17 KM 217 KM
Ropar 45 KM 189 KM
Nawan Shahr 97 KM 137 KM
Phagwara 126 KM 108 KM
Jalandhar 149 KM 85 KM
Kartarpur 166 KM 68 KM
Beas 190 KM 44 KM
Amritsar 234 KM 0 KM

NOTE: One can travel from Chandigarh to Amritsar via Ludhiana also and the distance through this route is almost same. But most of the buses and people travelling by car prefer the route via Ropar to avoid the heavy traffic in Ludhiana city. Also the road from Chandigarh to Ludhiana is two lane, but the road towards Ropar is a four lane national highway.

Chandigarh to Amritsar Distance By Train

The distance between two cities via rail route is 248 KM and the other railway stations on this route are Mohali (Sahibzada Ajit Singh Nagar), New Morinda, Ludhiana, Phagwara, Jalandhar City and Beas. Note that Chandigarh-Amritsar Super does not have a stop at New Morinda and Phagwara. Ludhiana Junction on this route is the largest railway station of Punjab in terms of number of trains passing through this station.

Trains from Chandigarh to Amritsar

The station code of Chandigarh is CDG and Amritsar Junction is ASR. You would need these station codes for online booking. There are two daily trains between Chandigarh to Amritsar in both directions. The train fare is Rs. 120 for 2nd class and Rs. 430 for Chair Car. The train schedule is last verified on 15/2/2016.
From - To Train Name Departure Arrival Duration
Chandigarh to Amritsar Intercity Express
7:00 AM 11:35 AM 4:35 Hrs
Super (12241) 5:10 PM 9:25 PM 4:15 Hrs
Amritsar to Chandigarh Super (12242) 5:15 AM 9:10 AM 3:55 Hrs
Intercity Express (12412) 17:30 PM 21:55 PM 4:25 Hrs