Population of Jalandhar

Jalandhar city, one of the largest cities of Punjab, has a total population of 8,73,725. The population of Jalandhar district is 21,93,590 with 11,61,171 people living in urban areas and 10,32,419 people living in rural areas. This is 4th highest amongst all districts of Punjab. All these figures are according to census of India held in 2011.

Population Density of Jalandhar
Jalandhar district has the population density of 836. It is much higher than the state average of 551 and national average of 382. In Jalandhar district, more number of people live in urban areaa as compared to rural areaa.

Literacy Rate In Jalandhar
Literacy rate in Jalandhar district is 82.5%. This is higher than the literacy rate in Punjab, which is 75.8%. The corresponding figure was 2001 was 78.0%. The male literacy rate at 86.1% is higher than the female literacy rate of 78.5%. According to these figures, Jalandhar ranks third amongst all districts of the state. The Hoshiarpur district has highest literacy rate.

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Population of Punjab

Sex ratio in Jalandhar Sex ratio is measured as number of females per thousand males. The sex ratio in Jalandhar district is 915. It is 952 in rural area and 884 in urban area. The figures for rural population are better than the urban population. The low sex ratio in Jalandhar has always been a matter of concern. With the effors of the state government and the public awareness, it has improved during the last decade but its still low. It was 887 in 2001 and it has improved by 28 points during 2001 to 2011.