Population of Ludhiana

Ludhiana, the largest city of Punjab, has a total population of 16,13,878 (16 Lakh). It is the most populous city of Punjab. Ludhiana Population 2018 is 17.51 lakh, according to the estimated value of mid year population for the year 2018.
The population of Ludhiana district is 34,98,739 with 20,69,708 people living in urban areas and 14,19,031 people living in rural areas. This is highest amongst all districts of Punjab, followed by Amritsar. The total population of the district was recorded at 30.33 lakh in 2001 and it has seen a decadal change rate of 15.3%. All these figures are according to census of India held in 2011. The following details are for the Ludhiana district, not for the city with same name.
Population of Ludhiana
If you are looking for information related to following terms, then you are on the right page:
  • Ludhiana Population
  • Population of Ludhiana
  • Ludhiana Population 2018
  • Population of Ludhiana City
  • Ludhiana India Population
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Ludiana Population - Summary

Sr. No.CategoryPopulation Value
1Population of Ludhiana District35 Lakh
4Literacy Rate82.2%
5Male Literacy86.0%
6Female Literacy77.9%
7Population Density978
8Sex Ratio873
9Sikh Population53.3%
10Hindu Population42.9%
11Workers12.85 Lakh
12Work Participation Rate36.7%

Literacy Rate In Ludhiana

Literacy rate in Ludhiana district is 82.2%. This is higher than the literacy rate in Punjab, which is 75.8%. This is 8.1% increase from the corresponding figure of 2001 i.e. 76.5%. The male literacy rate at 86.0% is higher than the female literacy rate of 77.9%. According to these figures, Ludhiana ranks fourth amongst all districts of the state. The Hoshiarpur district has highest literacy rate.
For complete details about population of Punjab, click on the following link:
Population of Punjab

Sex Ratio in Ludhiana

Sex ratio is measured as number of females per thousand males. The sex ratio in Ludhiana district is 873. It is 897 in rural population and 857 in urban population. The figures for rural population are better than the urban population. The low sex ratio in Ludhiana has always been a matter of concern. With the effors of the state government and the public awareness, it has improved during the last decade but its still low. It was 824 in 2001 and it has improved by 49 points during 2001 to 2011.

Population Density of Ludhiana

Amongst all the districts of Punjab, Ludhiana has the highest population density of 978. It is much higher than the state average of 551 and national average of 382. In Ludhiana district, more number of people live in urban area as compared to rural area.

Religion wise population

The major religions followed by the people of Ludhiana are Sikh and Hindu religion. Like most of the other districts of Punjab, the followers of Hindu religion are in majority in the urban areas and the Sikh religious community is in majority in the rural areas. There is small percentage of muslims, christians, jains and buddhists also. The religion wise distribution of population of Ludhiana district is given in the following table.
ReligionTotal %Rural %Urban %

Population of Hindus and Sikhs in Ludhiana

Workers and Work Participation Rate

The number of workers and work participation rate of the population of an area or region is an important parameter. We will discuss these details in this section. The total number of workers in Ludiana district is 12.85 lakh and hence the work participation rate is 36.7%. If we see the results by residence, the work participation rate in rural area is a bit higher than the corresponding figures for urban area. In urban area, the total number of workers is 7.54 lakh and work participation rate of 36.4%. In the rural areas, the total figure is 5.31 lakh workers with a work participation rate of 37.1%. In terms of the industrial category, 18.7% of the workforce is engaged in agriculture sector (cultivators and agricultural labourers), 5.6% are working in household industry and rest are employed in other sectors/industries.

Population of Cities in Ludhiana District

There are total 11 cities/towns in Ludhiana district. According to census of 2011, there are also 9 census towns (CT) in the district. This makes the total number of cities in Ludhiana district as 20. The population of these cities is given in the below table.
1Ludhiana1618879M Corp.
2Khanna 128137M Cl
3Jagraon 65240M Cl
4Raikot 28734M Cl
5Doraha 25424M Cl
6Machhiwara 24916M Cl
7Sahnewal 22484NP
8Samrala 19678M Cl
9Mullanpur Dakha 16356NP
10Payal 7923M Cl
11Malaud 7567NP
13Bhamian Kalan13174CT
16Partap Singhwala10843CT